Getting to know Carla Royo-Villanova

Getting to know Carla Royo-Villanova

Carla Royo-Villanova is a current woman, entrepreneur and successful businesswoman who shines with her own light. She has left behind her fame in the couché role when she married Prince Kubrat of Bugaria (son of Simeon of Bulgaria) and today she is known for her intense professional activity; She writes about travel, fashion, is the author of several books and for twelve years she has run her own cosmetics firm: “Carla Bulgaria Roses Beauty”.

Mother of three adolescent children: Mirko, Lucas and Tirso, she is able to combine her dedication to the family with an intense schedule; has just created for this spring-summer 2020 a series of cosmetic products under the name "Mojito".

1.- How did your Carla Bulgaria Roses Beauty project come about?

After traveling to Bulgaria and discovering the cosmetics that they make there with damask rose water, which grows in the Bulgarian rose valley, I learned about the fabulous properties that this rose water has for the skin.

In Spain in 2003 there was no product based on this water, or with a significant content of rose water. Let's say my skin fell in love with this wonderful natural ingredient and I decided to bring it to my country. I work with some laboratories in the valley of the roses.

The loyalty of the clients is the greatest joy that this project has given me, I like to frequently visit the distribution points of our creams, I believe that close personal treatment is very important.


2.- Businesswoman, passionate traveler and mother of a large family, how do you make your professional life compatible with your family life?

Combining family and work was more complicated when my children were young but now that they are university students it is much easier. The trick is to organize very well and "put hours a day". I am also lucky to have a family that supports me, understands what I do and has always encouraged me to work and has never reproached me for anything. That helps men and women a lot; it is essential that the family supports you.

3.- How have you handled the confinement and what lessons have you learned? Was it especially difficult for you to give up your traveling side I suppose?

It has helped me to verify how important it is to live in freedom. I have always been a great defender of freedom in all areas and in this confinement I have seen how important it is. We must not get lost; it took a lot of effort for our grandparents and parents to get it and that we must ensure that Spain continues to be a free country.

The fact that I have not been able to travel during this time and what I have left… has become hard. I have hardly spent more than fifteen days at home in the last nine or ten years. It has also affected me because I have lost projects and jobs all over the world, very beautiful and interesting, and that has made me very sad because I am passionate about my work and traveling. I hope to be able to return to them as soon as possible, so I think we have to look forward and trust that there will be others with whom I will enjoy again.


4.- A destination to visit this summer in Spain?

For this summer I would like to recommend Castilla y León, I find it very interesting and with options for all tastes. I propose we go into this area of our country to discover all its history, its mystery, its culture, its architecture, its gastronomy and its wonderful landscapes.

5.- What do you look at when choosing a tableware?

First of all I look at quality, it seems very important to me. I like elegant designs but with a current point in soft tones.


If Carla were one of our dishes, it would be "Teak" in its white version. A fresh, clean, elegant, classic tableware belonging to one of the noblest and oldest porcelain factories in France. But at the same time a super contemporary tableware with a lot of personality.

It is inspired by the cross section of the trunk of the teak tree, native to Asia; from countries like India, Laos or Thailand, those distant places that Carla, in her most intrepid and adventurous side, knows well.

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